Generating an Event-Ticket Report

The output of an Event-Ticket Report is a PDF document with details about Event Tickets. In the Ticket Center, you can generate an Event-Ticket Report with current information about a single ticket.

In the Task Manager, you can create a Report Task to define and schedule an Event-Ticket Report about one or more tickets. To create a Report Task, see Working with the Task Manager.

To generate an Event-Ticket Report in the Ticket Center:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Ticket CenterTicket Center.

TLC presents your Event Tickets in the workspace table.


You can sort, group, and filter the contents of tables. For more information, see Working with Tables).

2. In the workspace, select the Event Ticket for which you want to generate a report.
3. ClickOpen Ticket in ReportGenerate Report for selected ticket.

TLC presents the compiled Report in the Report Center tab.

With the buttons along the top of the Report Center tab, you can review, print, re-format, save, and email the Report. For more information, see Working with Report Output.