Working with Classification Tag Sets

For an introduction to Classification Tag Sets, see How does Classification work?.

To add or edit Classification Tag Sets:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select ClassificationClassification >Classification TagsTag Sets.
3. To create a new Classification Tag Set:
a. ClickClassification TagsAdd Tag Set.
b. Complete the Classification Tag Set properties dialog (see Table 94) and click OK.


In the workspace, Tripwire-defined Tag Sets have a 'Yes' value in the Tripwire Defined column. You cannot modify a Tripwire-defined Tag Set.

To create a new Classification Tag:

a. Select the Tag Set to which the new Tag will be added.
b. ClickClassification TagsAdd Tag.
c. Complete the Classification Tag properties dialog (see Table 93) and click OK.

To modify an existing Classification Tag Set:

a. Double-click the Tag Set in the workspace.
b. Complete the Classification Tag Set properties dialog and click OK.

To move a Classification Tag from one Tag Set to another: 

a. Expand the Tag Set containing the Tag.
b. Right-click the Tag and select Move to another Tag Set.
c. In the Change Tag Set dialog, select the destination Tag Set and click OK.


A Tripwire-defined Classification Tag Set is a Tag Set created by Tripwire. The properties and contents (i.e. Tags) of these Tag Sets cannot be changed.

To select multiple Tag Sets or Tags, select the items while pressing the CTRL or SHIFT key.

If the Save Table Layout feature is enabled (see Saving Table Layouts in the Configuration Manager), you can modify the table in the workspace and click Save Table LayoutSave Table Layout to save the updated layout for future use.


Your changes will not take effect until you push updates to your Managers (see Pushing Updates to your Managers).

Table 94. Classification Tag Set properties dialog




The name of the Classification Tag Set.


(Optional) A description of the Tag Set.