Working with Event Databases

If an Event Database exists on your Database Server (see Creating an Event Database), you can add and configure the database in the Configuration Manager.

To add, edit, or remove an Event Database:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select ResourcesResources >Event-Management DatabasesDatabases.

TLC presents your Event Databases in the workspace table.


You can sort, group, and filter the contents of tables. For more information, see Working with Tables).

3. To add an Event Database to TLC:
a. ClickAddAdd.
b. In the Event Database properties dialog, enter a Name and Description for the database.
c. Complete the tabs in the Event Database properties dialog (see Table 106).
d. To verify your settings and the connection with your Database Server, click Test.
e. If the test is successful, click OK to close the Event Database properties dialog. Otherwise, review your entries in the Event Database properties dialog.

To modify an existing Event Database:

a. In the workspace, double-click the database.
b. As needed, edit the Event Database properties dialog (see Table 106) and click OK.

To remove an Event Database from TLC:

a. In the workspace, select the database and click DeleteDelete.
b. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.


If you remove a database, TLC will also delete any Tasks to which the database has been assigned.


Your changes will not take effect until you push updates to your Managers (see Pushing Updates to your Managers).

Table 106. Event Database properties dialog




To access the database with the same database user account used by your default Event Database, select Use default account for Event Database.

To authenticate with a different user account, clear the Use default account for Event Database check box, and enter the Username and Password.

To enable Windows authentication, select Use Windows authentication.


Required information to establish connections with your Database Server.

Database Server. The database software for the Database Server.

Database type. Indicates the type of database: Event Framework (i.e. an Event Database), Firewall, IDS, or External.

Schema type. The database schema.

IP address. The host name or IP address of your Database Server.

TCP port. The TCP port on the Database Server to be used for communication with TLC.

Database name. The name of the database as defined on the Database Server. To populate the drop-down with the available databases on the Database Server, click Populate Names.


Sets User Permissions for the database.

To grant a User Account or User Group access to the database:

1. ClickAdd UserAdd User orAdd GroupAdd Group.

2. Select the user or group from the drop-down and click OK.

3. In the Permissions tab, select the permissions for the user or group.


View. Grants the ability to view the properties of the database, as well as Events in a Database Viewer.

Delete. Grants the ability to delete Events in the database.

Insert. Grants the ability to add Events to the database.

Clear. Grants the ability to delete all Events in the database.

To remove a User Account or User Group, select it and clickRemoveRemove.


Note: This tab only appears if MySQL or MS SQL is selected from the Database Server drop-down in the Connectivity tab.

Configures encryption for connections between TLC and the Database Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Databases

Encrypt Data with SSL. If SSL is configured on the Database Server, this option enables SSL encryption for connections between TLC and the server.

MySQL Server Databases

To enable SSH encryption for connections between TLC and a MySQL Database Server:

1. From the Protocol drop-down, select SSH.

2. Enter the Username and Password for an SSH server user account to be used by TLC for connections with the Database Server.

3. In the Host field, enter the host name or IP address of the SSH server.

4. In the Port field, enter the connection port on the SSH server.

Notes: The MySQL Database Server must be configured for the user account to connect from the SSH server.

If the same system hosts the SSH server and MySQL Database Server, you can connect with the host's routable IP address or

Server Information

Version. The version of the database software.

Uptime. The amount of time the Database Server has been online.

Connections. The number of current connections with the Database Server.

OS. The operating system running on the Database Server.


Location. Associates a Location with the database (see Working with Locations).

Group. Associates an Asset Group with the database (see Working with Asset Groups).

Time zone. The time zone to be used for timestamps applied to Events in the database.

Display in Tripwire Log Center Console. To hide the database from view in the TLC Consoles of other users, clear this check box.