Working with Locations

A Location is a custom category used to classify Assets by geography. In the Audit Logger and Database Viewers, you can search for log messages based on the Locations assigned to your Assets.

To add, edit, or delete Locations:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select ResourcesResources >LocationsLocations.
3. To create a new Location:
a. ClickAddAdd.
b. In the Location dialog, enter a Name and Description for the Location and click OK.

To edit a Location:

a. In the workspace, double-click the Location.
b. Edit the Location properties dialog and click OK.

To delete a Location, select the Location and clickDeleteDelete.


See Assigning Locations to an Asset.

About Locations and the Audit Logger

Some organizations require the physical partitioning of log-message data in the Audit Logger. If you enable the Separate data by Location setting in the Audit Logger tab of a Manager's properties dialog (see Table 42), TLC will create and maintain an Audit Logger sub-directory for each of your Locations. When TLC collects a log message from a Log Source, the log message will be written to the sub-directory of each Location assigned in the properties dialog of the Log Source’s Asset (see Working with Assets).

For example, assume that you have three Locations named Location 0 (the default Location), Location 1, and Location 2. If TLC collects a log message for an Asset to which Location 0 and Location 2 are assigned, the Audit Logger writes the log message to both the Location 0 sub-directory and the Location 2 sub-directory.

If this feature is enabled, you can also limit Audit Logger searches to log-message data for a single Location by specifying the Location in the Assets field of the Audit Logger's Query Criteria tab. For more information, see Working with Audit Logger Queries.


If you enable and then disable the 'Separate data by Location' setting, some log messages stored in Location sub-directories may be omitted from Audit Logger queries. Therefore, Tripwire recommends that you do not disable this setting once it has been enabled.