Working with Asset-Configuration Rules

For an introduction to Asset-Configuration Rules, see How does Auto-Discovery work?.

To add, edit, or delete Asset-Configuration Rules:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select ResourcesResources >ManagersManagers.
3. In the workspace, double-click the Manager.
4. Select the Asset-Configuration Rules tab.
5. To create an Asset-Configuration Rule:
a. ClickAddAdd.
b. Complete the Asset-Configuration Rule dialog (see Table 46) and click OK.

To modify a rule, double-click the rule, edit the Asset-Configuration Rule dialog (see Table 46), and click OK.

To remove a rule, click the arrow button to the left of the rule's table row and clickDelete/RemoveRemove.

To enable a disabled rule, select the rule in the workspace and click EnableEnable.

To disable a rule, select the rule and click DisableDisable.


To select multiple rules, select the rules while pressing the CTRL or SHIFT key.


Your changes will not take effect until you push updates to your Managers (see Pushing Updates to your Managers).

Table 46. Fields in the Asset-Configuration Rule dialog




The name of the Asset-Configuration Rule.


A description of the rule.


(Optional) To enable the rule, select this check box.


Defines conditions that determine if TLC will apply the properties specified in the Configuration region to auto-discovered Assets.

To define or change the properties of a condition:

1. From the Property drop-down, select an Asset property (e.g., IP Address or Collector Type).

2. From the Operator drop-down, select an operator.

3. In the Value field, enter a value for the condition (e.g., an IP address or type of Collector).

The operators available in the Condition drop-down depend upon the field selected in the Property drop-down.

To delete a condition, right-click the condition and select Delete.

Note: The conditions specified by an Asset-Configuration Rule must be unique to the rule. For example, if one rule includes a condition specifying an IP address, you cannot specify the IP address in another rule.


Includes a collection of tabs to specify attributes to be applied to an auto-discovered Asset or Correlation List(s) if the Asset satisfies the conditions defined in the Criteria region (see Table 47).

Table 47. Tabs in the Configuration region




Asset type. Specifies the value to be entered in the 'Asset type' field in the Settings tab of the Asset properties dialog (see Table 50).


Location. Specifies the Location to be entered in the 'Location' field in the Settings tab of the Asset properties dialog (see Table 50). For an introduction to Locations, see Working with Locations.

Asset Groups

Specifies one or more Asset Groups to which auto-discovered Assets will be assigned.

Correlation Lists

Specifies Correlation Lists to which TLC will automatically add specified Asset properties if the Asset satisfies the conditions defined in the Criteria region (see Table 46).

To add a Correlation List: 

1. ClickAddAdd property.

2. In the new table row, specify the Asset Property and Correlation List.

To create a new Correlation List: 

1. ClickAddCreate List.

2. Complete the New Correlation List dialog and click Save.


Generate a log message if no messages received in <n> Minutes/Hours/Days. If you enter a non-zero value in this field, TLC will generate a log message if the specified time period passes without a log message being received from an auto-discovered Asset's Log Source. This log message simply provides a notification that no messages were received within the specified interval.

Time zone. Specifies the time zone in which the Log Sources of auto-discovered Assets are located.

Note: These settings appear in the Advanced tab of each Asset's properties dialog (see Table 50).