Working with Saved Queries in the Audit Logger

This topic explains how to: 

Create a Saved Query in the Audit Logger.

View existing Saved Queries.

Edit and save the properties of a Saved Query.

Copy or delete a Saved Query.

Export the results of a Saved Query to an XML file.

To work with Saved Queries in the Audit Logger:

1. In the side bar, select Events >Audit LoggerAudit Logger.
2. In the Audit Logger, select the Query tab.

The Query Criteria tab opens. The left panel of this tab presents the hierarchy of all Saved Queries in the Audit Logger.

3. To create a Saved Query, complete the following steps in the workspace of the Query Criteria tab:
a. In the Name field, enter a name for the Saved Query.
b. Specify one or more Classification Tags and/or Terms.
c. As needed, complete the remaining criteria (see Table 80).
d. To run the query, click Start.
e. If the query produces the desired results, click Save in the Query Criteria tab.

To edit the properties of a Saved Query:

a. Select the query in the left panel of the Query Criteria tab.
b. As needed, edit the fields in the workspace (see Table 80).
c. Click Save.

To create a copy of a Saved Query, right-click the query in the left panel of the Query Criteria tab and select Copy Search.

To delete a Saved Query, right-click the query and select Delete Search.

To export the results of a Saved Query to an XML file, right-click the query and select Export Search.