Configuring a Syslog-ng Module

Firmware: Gentoo 10.1, Linux SuSE 9, F5 BIG-IP

Collector: Network Collector - Syslog

To configure a Syslog-ng module to send log messages to TLC:

1. Open the configuration file (etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) and add the following line:

destination loghost {<tcp_udp>("<manager_ip>" port(<port>));};

filter f_alllogs {

level <filter_level>;


log {





<tcp_udp> is the protocol (TCP or UDP) with which log messages will be sent to TLC,

<manager_ip> is the IP address of the TLC Manager to which log messages will be sent,

<port> is the port on the Manager on which TLC will listen for log messages (either 1468 for TCP, or 514 for UDP), and

filter f_alllogs {...} is an optional filter and <filter_level> indicates the levels to be filtered.

For example:

destination loghost {tcp("" port(1468));};

filter f_alllogs {

level (debug...emerg);


log {




2. To re-start syslog-ng, enter the appropriate command.

For Gentoo or Linux SuSE, enter:

“kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`”

For F5 BIG-IP, enter:

bigstart restart syslog-ng


If you are performing initial configuration of your TLC environment, see Configuring your TLC Environment.

Otherwise, see Adding a Monitored Asset for a new Log Source.