Discovered Assets
Scheduling Asset Discovery for a Manager
For an introduction to Asset Discovery, see What are Discovered Assets?.
To schedule Asset Discovery for a Manager, you must first complete the following steps:
1. | Verify that the Audit Logger has been added and enabled in the Installed Modules tab of the Manager dialog (see Working with Managers). |
2. | Assign the following permissions to your user account (see Changing the Properties of a User Account): |
Resource Form
View Objects
View Managers
Modify Managers
Allow REST API Logon
To define a schedule for a Manager's Asset Discovery:
1. | In the side bar, select Resources >![]() |
2. | In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select ![]() ![]() |
3. | In the workspace, double-click the Manager. |
4. | In the Manager dialog, select the Audit Logger tab. |
5. | In the Asset Discovery region of the Audit Logger tab, complete the following steps: |
a. | Select Enabled. |
b. | From the Interval drop-down, select one of the following options: |
Once. Configures Asset Discovery to run one time only.
Weekly. Configures Asset Discovery to run on a weekly interval (e.g., on Monday every week, or Tuesdays and Fridays every other week, etc.).
Monthly. Configures Asset Discovery to run on a monthly interval (e.g., on the first day of each month, or the 10th day of every other month, etc.).
c. | In the Start time field, enter the time of day when TLC will run the Asset Discovery operation. |
d. | To complete the schedule, configure the fields associated with the option selected in the Interval drop-down; i.e., the fields in the region labeled Discover Once, Discover Weekly, or Discover Monthly. |
6. | (Optional) In the Filter Criteria region, you may apply filters to narrow the scope of Asset Discovery. |
To limit Asset Discovery to log messages created within a specified time frame, select one of the following options from the Date and Time drop-down:
Start & End Time specifies a time range, such as 01/08/2018 08:00:00 AM to 01/12/2018 16:00:00 PM.
Newer specifies a time range relative to the time of Asset Discovery. For example, if you enter 'Newer than 7 Days,' an Asset Discovery operation will only apply to log messages created within the last 7 days.
All applies no time filter to Asset Discovery. In this case, Asset Discovery will apply to all log messages in the Manager's Audit Logger File Store.
To limit Asset Discovery to specific IP addresses:
a. | In the table under Exclude results from the following IP addresses, click![]() |
b. | From the Type drop-down, select one of the following options and enter the corresponding Value: |
IP Address. A single IP address.
IP Range. A range of IP addresses; e.g., -
CIDR Notation. A block of IP addresses in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation; e.g.,
Tip |
For your first Asset Discovery operation, Tripwire recommends that you apply no filters in order to identify all Assets in the Audit Logger File Store. For subsequent Asset Discovery operations, Tripwire suggests a weekly or monthly Interval to identify new Assets. |
7. | Click Apply to save your changes. |
Tip |
Your changes will not take effect until you push updates to your Managers (see Pushing Updates to your Managers). |