What is the Real-Time Event Viewer?

In the Real-Time Event Viewer, you can review the details of log messages as they are received by TLC. For TLC to display a message in the Real-Time Event Viewer:

The Real-Time Event Viewer must be running, and

The message must match the filter settings defined at the top of the Real-Time Event Viewer dialog.

For further instructions, see Viewing Log Messages in the Real-Time Event Viewer.

The steps below describe how the Real-Time Event Viewer processes a log message received from a Collector (outlined in red in Figure 38).

Figure 38.  Collecting a log message - Real-Time Event Viewer (click to enlarge)

Collecting a log message - Real-Time Event Viewer

Is the RTEV running?

Yes = If the Real-Time Event Viewer is running, TLC applies the filter settings to the log message.

No = Otherwise, the Real-Time Event Viewer ignores the message.

Does message match RTEV filter?

Yes = If the log message matches the filter settings, the Real-Time Event Viewer displays the message.

No = Otherwise, the Real-Time Event Viewer ignores the message.