The TLC Menu Bar

The following table describes each of the available options in the TLC menu bar (see Figure 47).

Table 35. The TLC menu bar




Exit & Close. Closes your current session with Tripwire Log Center.

Logout. Closes your current session and opens the TLC login form.


Display Side Bar. Displays and hides the side bar in the TLC Console (see The TLC Button Bar and Side Bar).

Tabbed Forms. Toggles the Tabbed Forms view on and off (see TLC Console Views and Components).

Internet Tools. Opens the Internet Tools dialog (see Working with Internet Tools).

Task Manager. Opens the Task Manager (see What are the Task Manager and Task Scheduler?).

Find IDS Event. Opens the Find IDS Event Details dialog. To search for an IDS event in your IDS Databases (if applicable), enter a partial or complete Event ID and click Find.


Import TLC Content. Imports TLC content (see Updating TLC with the Latest Tripwire Content) and scanner data (see Importing Scanner Data to an Event Database).

Settings. Opens the Settings dialog (see About TLC Settings and Global Settings).

Change Password. If Internal Authentication is enabled for your User Account (see Changing the Properties of a User Account), select this option to change the password for your TLC user account. For password requirements, see Password .


Online Help. Opens the Tripwire Log Center online help.

Tripwire Web site. Opens in your Web browser.

Tripwire Customer Center. Opens the Tripwire Customer Center login page in your Web browser.

Check for Updates. If your user account has the Allow Check for Updates permission (see About User Access and Licensing), this option downloads any available patches for TLC Manager and TLC Console from the Tripwire Web site. (Tip: To schedule patch updates, configure the 'Check for updates' setting in the Miscellaneous User Settings; see Changing TLC Settings).

Create Support Bundle. Generates a zip file with information that may be helpful to Tripwire Technical Support when troubleshooting issues with TLC.

Toggle Support Functionality. If enabled, TLC displays the Support tab in the Audit Logger and the Scheduled Task properties dialog. For more information, see Troubleshooting an Audit Logger Query and Troubleshooting a Scheduled Task.

About Tripwire Log Center. Displays copyright and license information for your TLC software.