Configuring a Microsoft IAS Server

Firmware: Microsoft IAS 2003

Collector: File Collector

To configure a Microsoft Internet Authentication Service (IAS) Server to send log messages to TLC:

1. Open the Microsoft IAS console. 
2. In the Microsoft IAS console (see Figure 74):
a. Select Remote Access Logging under Internet Authentication Service.
b. Right-click Local File and select Properties.

Figure 74.  The Microsoft IAS console

The Microsoft IAS console

3. In the Settings tab of the Local File Properties dialog, select the check box for each type of event to be logged (see Figure 75).

Figure 75.  Settings tab in the Local File Properties dialog

Settings tab in the Local File Properties dialog

4. In the Log File tab (see Figure 76):
a. Select IAS as the Format.
b. Under 'Create a new log file,' select Daily.
c. Click OK to close the Local File Properties dialog.

Figure 76.  Log File tab in the Local File Properties dialog

Log File tab in the Local File Properties dialog


To configure the Monitored Asset for the Microsoft ISA Server (see Configuring a Monitored Asset with a File Collector), enter the following value in the File Collection tab of the Monitored Asset properties dialog: 



If you are performing initial configuration of your TLC environment, see Configuring your TLC Environment.

Otherwise, see Adding a Monitored Asset for a new Log Source.