Upgrade Requirements for TLC
Before upgrading Tripwire Log Center (TLC):
| 1.
Verify that your and Secondary Managers comply with the platform and system requirements for this version of : |
Since TLC is a high-performance product, the systems in your TLC environment must comply with all installation requirements.
| 2.
On each of your Manager systems, verify that recovery is disabled for the Tripwire Log Center Manager service. To do so, open the Services Manager, double-click the Tripwire Log Center Manager service, and select the Recovery tab in the service properties dialog. In the Recovery tab, each Failure drop-down should be set to Take No . |
| 3.
To determine if your Manager and Console host systems are compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), see: |
If a host system is compliant with FIPS, then Transport Layer Security (TLS) is not required. Otherwise, you must ensure that TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are not disabled on the system (see Verifying Transport Layer Security (TLS)).
| 4.
Locate the purchase-confirmation e-mail from Tripwire. This e-mail includes your serial number and a direct link to the TLC installation package. (If you cannot find this e-mail, contact your Tripwire customer service representative.) |
| 5.
To protect your TLC implementation from data loss or corruption, back up your data by: |
| a.
Creating a copy of your TLC Manager installation directory and verifying that the back-up directory contains a copy of your . |
| b.
Creating a copy of your Event-Management Databases. |
For further assistance, contact Tripwire Technical Support.
| 6.
Confirm that each of your Manager host systems has Internet access. |
If a Manager host system does not have Internet access:
| a.
Ask your Tripwire customer service representative for a license key. |
| b.
Confirm that .NET Framework 4 is installed on the Manager host system. |
| 7.
If 1) you plan to collect log messages from an Oracle server with the , and 2) Oracle Advanced Security is enabled on the Oracle server, install the Oracle Client Library on the host system of the Manager on which the Oracle is (or will be) installed. For further instructions, see your Oracle Client Library documentation. |
| 8.
If your TLC environment includes any Script Actions that use executable files stored on a , move these files to the Scripts directory on your Primary Manager. By default, this path is: |
Program Files\Tripwire\Tripwire Log Center Manager\Scripts
For more information about Script Actions, see What are Actions?.
| 9.
Download the TLC installation package from the Tripwire Customer Center: |
| 10.
Unzip the contents of the TLC installation package to any available directory. |