Installing MySQL Server

Prior to installing MySQL Server, complete the installation requirements (see Requirements for your Database Software).

To install and configure MySQL Server on a Windows system, complete the steps below. For another platform, see your MySQL Server documentation.

Installing MySQL Server on Windows

Step 1. Installing and Configuring MySQL Server

To install and configure MySQL Server:

1. In the License Agreement page of the MySQL Installer, read the terms of the Oracle software license, select I accept the license terms, and click Next.
2. In the Choosing a Setup Type page, select Server only and click Next.
3. In the Installation page, click Execute.
4. Upon completion of the installation process, click Next.
5. In the Product Configuration page, click Next.
6. In the Type and Networking page (see Figure 3): 
a. From the Config Type drop-down, select Dedicated Machine.
b. Select Open Firewall port for network access.
c. Click Next.

Figure 3.  Type and Networking page

Type and Networking page

7. In the Account and Roles page (Figure 4):
a. In the Root Account Password fields, enter a password of your choice for the root MySQL user account that will access TLC.
b. Click Add User.  
c. Complete the MySQL User Details page (see Figure 5) and click OK.
d. In the Account and Roles page, click Next.

Figure 4.  Account and Roles page

Account and Roles  page

Figure 5.  MySQL User Details page

MySQL User Details  page

8. In the Windows Service page, click Next.
9. In the Apply Server Configuration page, click Execute.
10. Upon completion of the configuration process, click Finish.
11. In the Product Configuration page, click Next.
12. In the Installation Complete page, click Finish.

Step 2. Editing the MySQL Configuration File

To optimize the performance of MySQL Server with Tripwire Log Center:

1. In the directory in which you installed MySQL Server, open the MySQL configuration file (my.ini).
2. Copy the following lines into the configuration file:









where <key_buffer_size> is 20-30% of available RAM,

<read_buffer_size> is 1/16th of available RAM, and

<read_rnd_buffer_size> is 1/8th of available RAM.