Appendix I. Configuring a Windows User Account for the WinLog Collector

If you plan to collect Windows Event Logs from a Windows system with the WinLog Collector, you must complete the steps below to configure a Windows user account to support WMI collection.


The steps below refer to a Windows Server 2008 host system. For appropriate steps on other supported operating systems, see the platform's user documentation.

To configure the Windows user account, complete the following steps on the Windows host system:

1. To add the account to the required user groups: 
a. In the Control Panel, select User Accounts.
b. Select Manage User Accounts.
c. In the Advanced tab, click Advanced.
d. In the Local Users and Groups dialog (see Figure 31), right-click the user account and select Properties.
e. In the Member Of tab of the user account Properties dialog, add the account to the following user groups (see Figure 32): 

Event Log Readers


Figure 31.  Local Users and Groups dialog

Local Users and Groups dialog

Figure 32.  Member Of tab with required user groups

Member Of tab with required user groups

2. To grant the user account access to the Security event log: 
a. Select Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
b. In the Local Security Dialog, select Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Manage auditing and security logs (see Figure 33).
c. In the Local Security Setting tab of the 'Manage auditing and security log properties' dialog (see Figure 33), click Add User/Group, select the user account, and click OK.
d. Click OK to close the 'Manage auditing and security log properties' dialog.

Figure 33.  Local Security Policy dialog and the Local Security Setting tab in the 'Manage auditing and security log properties' dialog

Local Security Policy dialog and the Local Security Setting tab

3. To grant the user account required DCOM permissions:
a. Select Start > Run.
b. Enter dcomcnfg.exe and click OK.
c. In the Component Services dialog (see Figure 34), right-click Console Root > Components Services > Computers > My Computer and select Properties.
d. In the COM Security tab of the My Computer Properties dialog (see Figure 34), click Edit Limits in the Launch and Activation Permissions region.
e. In the Launch and Activation Permission dialog (see Figure 34), click Add, select the user account, and click OK.
f. Select the Allow check box for each of the listed permissions and click OK.
g. In the COM Security tab, click Edit Limits in the Access Permissions region.
h. In the Access Permission dialog, click Add, select the user account, and click OK.
i. In the Access Permission dialog, select the Allow check box for each of the listed permissions and click OK.
j. To close the My Computer Properties dialog, click OK.

Figure 34.  The Component Services dialog, the COM Security tab in the My Computer Properties dialog, and the Launch and Activation Permission dialog

The Component Services dialog, the COM Security tab in the My Computer Properties dialog, and the Launch and Activation Permission dialog

4. To grant the user account required WMI namespace permissions:
a. Select Start > Run.
b. Enter wmimgmt.msc and click OK.
c. In the wmimgmt dialog (see Figure 35), right-click Console Root > WMI Control (Local) and select Properties.
d. In the Security tab of the WMI Control (Local) Properties dialog (see Figure 35), select Root > CIMV2 > Security and click Security.
e. In the Security dialog (see Figure 35), click Add, select the user account, and click OK.
f. In the Security dialog, select the Allow check box for each of the listed permissions and click OK.
g. To close the WMI Control (Local) Properties dialog, click OK.

Figure 35.  The wmimgmt, WMI Control Properties, and Security dialogs

The wmimgmt, WMI Control Properties, and Security dialogs

5. (Optional) To test the user account with the newly configured permissions: 
a. Select Start > Run.
b. Enter wbemtest.exe and click OK.
c. In the Windows Management Instrumentation Tester dialog (see Figure 36), click Connect...
d. In the Connect dialog (see Figure 36), complete the following fields and click Connect:

Namespace: \\\root\cimv2

User and Password: The username and password of the user account

Impersonation level: Impersonate

e. In the Method Invocation Options region of the Windows Management Instrumentation Tester dialog, select Synchronous.
f. Click Query....
g. Enter the following WMI query and click Apply:

SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE LogFile? = 'Application'

If your permissions are configured correctly, the WMI Tester should present a batch of Application log events.

h. Click Query... again.
i. Enter the following WMI query and click Apply:

SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE LogFile? = 'Security'

The WMI Tester should present a batch of Security log events.

Figure 36.  Windows Management Instrumentation Tester and the Connect dialog