Working with Normalization Rule Groups
When you first installed TLC Manager, the TLC installer created a collection of Tripwire-defined Normalization-Rule Groups in the Configuration Manager. Each of these groups represents a type of product selected in the TLC Configuration Wizard, and each group contains a collection of Normalization Rules. With this procedure, you can create and delete Normalization-Rule Groups, as well as change the name and description of an existing group.
To move a Normalization Rule from one group to another, open the rule's properties dialog and select the new group from the Group drop-down in the Settings tab (see Working with Normalization Rules).
To create, change, or delete a Normalization Rule Group:
In the side bar, select Resources >Configuration Manager. |
In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select Normalization >Rules. |
TLC presents your Normalization-Rule Groups in the workspace table.
You can sort, group, and filter the contents of tables. For more information, see Working with Tables).
To create a new group: |
ClickCreate Group. |
Enter a Name and Description (optional), and click OK. |
To edit the Name or Description of a group:
In the workspace, double-click the group. |
Enter the new Name and/or Description, and click OK. |
To delete a group:
In the workspace, select the group. |
Right-click the rule and selectDelete selected groups. |
In the confirmation dialog, click OK. |
If the Save Table Layout feature is enabled (see Saving Table Layouts in the Configuration Manager), you can modify the table in the workspace and click Save Table Layout to save the updated layout for future use.