Uninstalling an Agent

To uninstall Tripwire VIA Agent or Tripwire Axon Agent for TLC software from a Windows system:

1. Log in to the system with Administrator privileges.
2. Open the Windows Control Panel.
3. In the Control Panel, open Add / Remove Programs or Programs and Features.
4. Select Tripwire VIA Agent or Tripwire Axon Agent for TLC.
5. Click Remove
6. If you uninstalled VIA Agent and you do not plan to re-install the Agent, delete the following directories: 

<Program Files>\Tripwire\Agent


If you uninstalled Tripwire Axon Agent for TLC and you do not plan to re-install the Agent, delete the following directories: 

<Program Files>\Tripwire\Agent-TLC


To uninstall Tripwire VIA Agent or Tripwire Axon Agent for TLC software from a Linux system:

1. Log in to the system as root.
2. At a command prompt, enter the appropriate command for the Agent.

For a VIA Agent, enter: 

rpm -e tw-via-agent

For Tripwire Axon Agent for TLC on a Debian system, enter: 

dpkg –r tw-axon-agent-tlc

For Tripwire Axon Agent for TLC on other Linux platforms, enter: 

rpm -e tw-axon-agent-tlc

3. If you uninstalled VIA Agent and you do not plan to re-install the Agent, delete the following directories: 







If you uninstalled Tripwire Axon Agent for TLC and you do not plan to re-install the Agent, delete the following directories: 





