Working with the Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler contains the Scheduled Tasks for your TLC environment. In the Task Scheduler, you can create a Scheduled Task for:

A Saved Query that generates an Audit Logger Report (see Working with Audit Logger Queries).

A Copy Task, Delete Task, Archive Task, or Report Task in the Task Manager (see Working with the Task Manager).

In addition, you can create and schedule a Script Task (see What are the Task Manager and Task Scheduler?).

To work with Scheduled Tasks:

1. In the side bar, select Events >Task SchedulerTask Scheduler.
2. To create a Scheduled Task for a Task or Saved Query:
a. ClickAddAdd.
b. In the Schedule Task dialog, enter a Name and (optional) Description for the Scheduled Task.
c. From the Task type drop-down, specify the type of Task/Query to be run by the Scheduled Task.
d. From the Data source drop-down, specify the data source to which the Task/Query applies.

For a Saved Query or an Audit Logger Archive Task, select the Audit Logger.

For any other Task, select the database for which the Task was created (see Working with the Task Manager).

e. From the Saved Task drop-down, select the Task or Saved Query to be run by the Scheduled Task.
f. As needed, complete the tabs in the Schedule Task dialog (see Table 119) and click Save.

To create a Scheduled Task for a Script Task:

a. ClickAddAdd.
b. In the Schedule Task dialog, enter a Name and (optional) Description for the Scheduled Task.
c. From the Task type drop-down, select Script Task.
d. In the Script field, enter the script to be run by the Scheduled Task.
e. As needed, complete the tabs in the Schedule Task dialog (see Table 119) and click Save.

To change the properties of a Scheduled Task, double-click the Task and edit the Schedule Task dialog (see Table 119).

To enable or disable a Scheduled Task, select or clear the Enable check box in the Schedule Task dialog.

To delete a Scheduled Task, select the Task and clickDelete/RemoveDelete.

Table 119. Tabs in the Schedule Task dialog



Advanced Options

Time Filter. Defines a time filter for data to be filtered from the query results. If the Data Source (i.e. the Audit Logger or a database) contains data that was created within the specified time period, TLC omits the data from the query results.

If another Task is running. If another Scheduled Task is running when this one begins, this drop-down determines if TLC will queue this Scheduled Task or postpone it to the next scheduled run-time.

Stop the Task if run-time exceeds. Sets a timeout for the Scheduled Task. Enter "0" if you do not want the task to timeout.

Delete Task if schedule expires. To have TLC automatically delete this Scheduled Task when it runs for the last time specified by the Schedule tab, select this check box.

Email Report

This tab is only enabled if:

1. Report Task is selected from the 'Task type' drop-down, and

2. Email Report is selected in the Report Options tab.

To add a recipient for email messages sent by the Scheduled Task:

1. ClickAddAdd.

2. Enter the Email Address.

3. From the Action drop-down, indicate if the recipient should receive the Report output file or simply a notification that the Scheduled Task ran the Report.

To remove a recipient, select the recipient's email address and clickDeleteRemove.

Event Log

This tab provides details about each run of the Scheduled Task.

Report Options

This tab is only enabled if Report Task is selected from the Task type drop-down.

Output format. Specifies the format of the Report output files compiled by the Scheduled Task.

Upload output to server. To upload a file containing the output of each Report run by the Scheduled Task to a server, select this option and complete the Upload Options tab. If enabled, TLC users can view the output by opening the files on the server.

Email Report. To have TLC email specified recipients when the Scheduled Task runs, select this option and complete the Email Report tab.

Email Report even if no output. Only applies if the Email Report check box is selected.

If this check box is selected, TLC always sends an email notification to the specified recipients when the Scheduled Task runs.

Otherwise, TLC only sends an email notification if the Report generated output.


Defines the schedule for the Scheduled Task.


This tab is only displayed if:

1. Report Task, Copy Task, Archive Task, or Delete Task is selected from the 'Task type' drop-down, and

2. The Toggle Support Functionality setting is enabled in the Help menu.

For more information, see Troubleshooting a Scheduled Task.

Upload Options

This tab is only enabled if:

1. Report Task is selected from the 'Task type' drop-down, and

2. Upload output to server is selected in the Report Options tab.

Defines communication settings to upload Report-output files to a server.

Upload protocol. The method by which TLC will upload the files to the server. To encrypt uploaded files with the Secure File Transfer protocol, select Secure File Transfer (SFTP). Otherwise, select Copy.

Directory. The full path of the directory on the server in which uploaded files will be saved.

If you select the Secure File Transfer protocol from the 'Upload protocol' drop-down, the following fields are also required.

Server. The IP address or host name of the server.

Port. The port on the server to which uploaded files will be sent.

Username and Password. The username and password for a user account on the server. When uploading files to the server, TLC will use this account for authentication.

Upload-file name. The naming convention for uploaded files. To name each file, TLC will append the date to the end of the filename. To enter a naming convention of your own, select Custom and enter the convention in this field.

Example. Displays an example of a file name using the convention specified in the 'Upload-file name' field.

If a Scheduled Task's query results seem inaccurate or otherwise problematic,and you are unable to resolve the issue, you can save the query results in a log file and then forward the file to Tripwire Support for troubleshooting. By default, TLC saves these log files in the following directory: 

C:\Program Files\Tripwire\Tripwire Log Center Manager\Logs\Support

To create and forward a query-results log file: 

1. From the menu bar, select Help > Toggle Support Functionality (i.e. enable this setting).
2. In the side bar, select Events >Task SchedulerTask Scheduler. (If the Task Scheduler is already open, you must close and re-open it.)
3. In the Task Scheduler, double-click the Scheduled Task and select the Support tab in the Schedule Task dialog.
4. In the Support tab, select Write Data to Disk. In the Data File Name field, TLC presents the name of the query-results file to be created on your TLC Manager when the Scheduled Task runs next. (Note: When the Task runs, TLC automatically re-sets the Support tab to the default setting of 'Normal Operation.')
5. For further instructions, contact Tripwire Technical Support.