Working with Notifications

If a Correlation Rule creates a Correlated Event, and the rule has a Notification Action as an Output, TLC adds an event notification in the TLC Console of each user specified by the Action.

To configure a Notification Action, see Working with Actions.

To add a Notification Action as an Output in a Correlation Rule, see Defining a Correlation Rule.


Each day, TLC removes the oldest notifications that exceed the number specified by the System Database - Maximum number of Notifications advanced setting in the Manager's properties dialog (see Changing a Manager's Advanced Settings).

Since TLC experiences performance degradation when the total number of Event Tickets and notifications exceeds 5,000, Tripwire recommends that you monitor the number of tickets and notifications in your TLC environment. For more information about Event Tickets, see Working with Event Tickets.

To view your notifications in the TLC Console:

1. In the button bar, clickDisplay NotificationsDisplay notifications.
2. In the Notifications panel at the bottom of the TLC Console, TLC presents the notifications for your user account (see Table 104).

If the Correlation Rule that generated a notification also saved the Correlated Event in an Event-Management Database, you can view the properties of the event by double-clicking the notification.

To limit the number of Notifications listed, enter a value in the Notification(s) to display field.

To acknowledge all Notifications, clickAcknowledge All Pending NotificationsAcknowledge all notifications in the database.

To remove a notification, select the notification and clickRemoveRemove selected notifications.

To remove all notifications from the Notifications panel, clickDelete/RemoveRemove all notifications.

To refresh the Notifications panel, clickRefreshRefresh notifications.

3. To close the Notifications panel, clickDisplay NotificationsDisplay notifications.

Table 104. Columns in the Notifications panel




The Priority of the notification specified in the Action Settings tab of the Correlation Rule (see Table 96).


The recipients of the notification specified by the Notification Action (see Working with Actions).


The date and time when TLC generated the notification.


The Manager with the Correlation Engine that generated the notification.

Item ID

If the Correlation Rule also saved the notification's Correlated Event to an Event-Management Database, this field provides the unique ID assigned to the event by TLC.


The content of the notification specified in the Action Settings tab of the Correlation Rule (see Table 96).