Working with Database Permissions

Database Permissions control user access to the Event-Management Databases in your TLC environment. You can configure the Database Permissions for all User Accounts and Groups in:

The Permissions tab tab of the Event-Management Database properties dialog (see Table 108), and

The Database Permissions dialog in the Administration Manager (see Figure 48).

These UI components are identical, and you can perform the same functions in both.

To configure the user permissions for an Event-Management Database in the Administration Manager:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Administration ManagerAdministration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Administration Manager, expand the PermissionsPermissions.
3. Under Permissions, expand the Databases group. This group contains the Event-Management Databases in your TLC environment.
4. Select a database.
5. In the workspace, TLC presents a list of the User Accounts and Groups with permissions for the database. Table 64 defines each Database Permission.

Table 64. Database Permissions


Grants users the ability to ...


... view the database's Events in a Database Viewer (see Working with the Event-Database Viewer).


... delete or archive Events in the database.


... add Events to the database.


... delete all Events in an Event-Management Database prior to sending log messages to the database from the Audit Logger (see Sending Log Messages to an Event-Management Database).

To change the current permission settings, or to change the list of accounts and groups, double-click in the workspace. The Database Permissions dialog opens (see Figure 48).

Figure 48.  Database Permissions dialog

Database Permissions dialog

6. As needed, modify the list of user accounts and groups with Database permissions.

To add a User Account, clickAddAdd User.

To add a User Group, clickAddAdd Group.

To remove an account or group, select the item and clickRemoveRemove.

7. Configure the permissions for each User Account and Group.

To enable a permission, select the applicable check box.

To disable a permission, clear the applicable check box. Once all User Accounts and Groups have been configured, click OK.

8. Once all User Accounts and Groups have been configured, click OK.

The Database Permissions tab

You can also assign Database Permissions in the properties dialog of a User Account or Group. In the Database Permissions tab, you can specify the permissions that apply to the account or group.

To open the properties of a User Account:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Administration ManagerAdministration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Administration Manager, select UsersUsers.
3. In the workspace, double-click the User Account.

To open the properties of a User Group:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Administration ManagerAdministration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Administration Manager, select User GroupsUser Groups.
3. In the workspace, double-click the User Group.

To configure the Database Permissions tab:

1. Add any Event-Management Databases to which you want to grant the User Account or Group access.
a. ClickAddAdd.
b. Select a database from the drop-down list and click Add.
2. To enable a Database Permission (see Table 64), select the applicable check box.

To disable a permission, clear the applicable check box.

3. Once all permissions have been configured, click OK.