Working with Time Filter Options

Time Filter options populate the button bar's Time Filter drop-down. Each option specifies a period of time. For example, if you select an option with a value of 6 hours from the Time Filter drop-down, TLC will limit the active page in the workspace to data (e.g. Events) created within the last 6 hours.

To add, edit, or delete Time Filter options:

1. From the menu bar, select Options >SettingsSettings.
2. In the side bar of the Settings dialog, click User Settings > Time Filter.
3. To add a Time Filter option:
a. In the workspace of the Settings dialog, clickAddAdd.

TLC adds a blank line to the workspace.

b. In the Value field, enter a whole number.
c. From the Type drop-down list, select a time unit (e.g. Hours or Days).

To change the period of time for a Time Filter option, edit the entries in the option's Value and/or Type fields.

To change the order in which the options appear in the Time Filter drop-down, use the arrow buttons on the right side of the Settings dialog.

To delete a Time Filter option:

a. In the workspace, click the line for the option.
b. To select the option, click the arrow to the left of the line.
c. ClickDelete/RemoveDelete.