Configuring a Fortinet Fortigate Firewall

Firmware: FortiOS 2.5+, 3.x, 4.0 (GA, MR1, MR2, MR3)

Collector: Network Collector - Syslog

To send log messages from a Fortinet Fortigate Firewall to TLC, you may configure the firewall with the Fortigate user interface or a command line.

To configure the firewall from a command line:

1. Connect to the Fortigate device via Telnet or SSH.
2. Log in to the device with an account that has administrator rights.
3. In a command line, enter the following commands:

config global

config log syslogd setting

set status enable

set server "<tlc_manager>"

set csv enable

set facility local1

set port 514


config log syslogd filter

set severity debug




tlc_manager is the IP address of the Manager to which the firewall will forward log messages.

local1 is the facility of the log messages to be sent to the Manager.


set csv enable must be entered in order to support Fortigate Logs. If this command is omitted, these TLC rules cannot normalize log messages.

To configure the firewall in the Fortigate user interface:

1. Open the Fortigate Web Interface.
2. Select Log&Report > Log Config > Log Setting.
3. Select Syslog.
4. In the Name/IP field, enter the IP address or host name of the Manager that will host the Network Collector to which the firewall will send log messages.
5. From the Level drop-down, select Information.
6. Select Enable CSV Format.


This check box must be selected in order to support Fortigate Logs. If this command is omitted, these TLC rules cannot normalize log messages.

7. Click Apply.

Log Settings dialog


If you are performing initial configuration of your TLC environment, see Configuring your TLC Environment.

Otherwise, see Adding a Monitored Asset for a new Log Source.