Working with Find-and-Replace Values in Regular Expressions

In the Replace tab of a Normalization Rule's properties, you can define find-and-replace values for columns in the content of log messages normalized by the rule. To access this tab, see:

Working with Normalization Rules

Defining a Regular Expression for a Normalization Rule

If a specified column in a log message contains the Original Text value, TLC overwrites the value with the New Text value in the Normalized Message (see Table 88). To insert a value without overwriting an existing value, simply enter a null value in the Original Text column (i.e. leave the field empty).

To add a new Column, clickAddAdd.

To change the find-and-replace values for a Column, select and edit the Column's Original Text and/or New Text values.

To delete a Column, select the Column's row, click the arrow to the left of the row, and clickDelete/RemoveDelete.

Table 88. The Replace tab




The name of a column in log messages.

Original Text

The column content to be replaced.

Tip: The Original Text column supports the use of simple .NET regular expressions. However, the following characters are not supported:



New Text

The content with which the rule will overwrite the Original Text.

Creating Integers in Normalized Messages

Some columns require the use of integers in the New Text fields; for example, the Action column in a firewall schema. If a Column in a log message contains a hexadecimal number that you want stored as an integer in an Event-Management Database, insert "0x" in front of the column name in the New Text field. For example:


The Convert Function

With the Convert function, you can convert the type of data in a log message (see Table 89).

Table 89. Using the Convert function

Field Values

Converts ...

Original Text = Convert:<text>

New Text = Base64

... a text value to a Base 64 value

Original Text = Convert:<text>

New Text = Hex

... a text value to a hexadecimal value

Original Text =Convert:<host_name>

New Text = IP

... a host name to an IP address

Note: Host names cannot be saved in Event-Management Databases. If the rule's Normalized Messages will be saved as Events in a database, you should use this format to convert any host names in log-message columns.

Original Text =Convert:<ip_address>

New Text = Rotate

... a rotated IP address to standard format

Note: IP addresses in reverse notation cannot be saved in Event-Management Databases. If the rule's Normalized Messages will be saved as Events in a database, you should use this format to rotate any reversed IP addresses in log-message columns (for instance, changing to

Converting Timestamps

TLC supports a variety of formats for timestamps. To format the timestamps in Events created by a Normalization Rule, use the following variables when defining the variable's .NET regular expression (see Defining a Regular Expression for a Normalization Rule).

<year> - The year can be in either 2-digit or 4-digit format.

<month> - The month as a number or a name.

<day> - Numerical day of the month.

<time> - The time of day in 24-hour time. Format: 00:00:00.

<hour> - The numerical hour of the day in 24-hour time.

<minute> - The numerical value from 0 - 60.

<second> - A numerical value from 0 - 60.


(?<month>[A-Za-z]+) (?<day>[\d]+) (?<year>\d+) (?<time>[0-9:]+)

(?<month>[0-9]+) (?<day>[\d]+) (?<year>\d+) (?<time>[0-9:]+)

(?<month>[0-9]+) (?<day>[\d]+) (?<year>\d+) (?<time>[0-9:]+)

(?<month>[0-9]+) (?<day>[\d]+) (?<year>\d+) (?<hour>[0-9]+):(?<minute>[0-9]+):(?<second>[0-9]+)

With the <epochtime> variable, you can convert timestamps formatted in Epoch time to standard time. For example, if a log message contains the following timestamp ...

1200820429.002: %PIX-4-106023: Deny udp src dmz:

... you might insert the following content in the rule's regular expression:

(<epochtime>[0-9.]+): %PIX....