Viewing Graphs in the Event-Database Viewer

To view a Tripwire-defined graph in the Event-Database Viewer:

1. In the side bar, select Events >Event-Database ViewerEvent-Database Viewer.
2. In the side bar of the Event-Database Viewer, expand Graphs and select a graph (see Table 111).

TLC generates and presents the graph in the main pane. For more information, see Working with Graphs.

Table 111. Tripwire-defined graphs in the Event-Database Viewer

Graph Type


Last X Hours/Days

A bar graph of Events saved in the Event Database for a specified period of time. Each bar indicates the number of Events for each Priority.

TOD over Last X Weeks/Days

A line graph showing the average number of Events saved in the Event Database for each day in the specified time period.

Top 10

A pie chart showing the number of Events with specific IP addresses in the Src IP or Dst IP fields.