Promoting a Secondary Manager

To promote a Secondary Manager to serve as your Primary Manager, you must either 1) have a license for the Secondary Manager, or 2) deactivate your existing Primary Manager before promoting the Secondary Manager.

To promote a Secondary Manager to serve as your Primary Manager:

1. On the TLC Manager host system, select Start > Programs > Tripwire Log Center > Manager.
2. In the Status page of the TLC Manager Interface (see Table 72), click Stop.
3. In the side bar of the TLC Manager Interface, select Manager Settings.
4. Click Change Manager Type.
5. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
6. In the Initialize Manager window, select Primary Manager.
7. Select the Manager from the list of configured Managers and click Set Manager.
8. In the Status page of the TLC Manager Interface, click Start.
9. If appropriate, designate the original Primary Manager as a Secondary Manager:
a. In the side bar of the TLC Manager Interface, select Manager Settings.
b. Click Change Manager Type.
c. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
d. In the Initialize Manager window, select Secondary Manager.
e. Select the original Primary Manager from the list of configured Managers and click Set Manager.