Creating and Deleting User Accounts

For an introduction to user accounts, see About User Access and Licensing.

To create or delete user accounts:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Administration ManagerAdministration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Administration Manager, select UsersUsers.
3. To add a user account:
a. ClickAddAdd.
b. Complete the Add New User dialog (see Table 58) and click Add.
c. To finish configuring the account, see Changing the Properties of a User Account.

To delete a user account:

a. Select the account and clickRemove/DeleteDelete.
b. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
c. Enter the reason for deleting the account and click OK.

Table 58. Add New User dialog




A shorthand name for the new user account.

Full Name

A full name for the new user account.


A description of the new account.

Authentication method

The method by which TLC will authenticate the user account.

Tripwire Log Center. With this option, TLC will authenticate the account with the Username and a password of your choosing.

Radius. With this option, TLC authenticates the account with a RADIUS user account (entered in the External User field) using the PAP authentication method.

LDAP/Active Directory. With this option, TLC authenticates the account with an Active Directory user account (entered in the External User field).

Single sign-on. With this option, TLC authenticates the account with a user account defined by an Identity Provider (IdP) that employs the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).

If you select Radius, LDAP/Active Directory, or Single sign-on, enter the name of the user account in the External User field. For Radius, the name of the user account must be preceded by the domain name. For example, mycorp\Bob will authenticate the 'Bob' user account in the mycorp domain.

For more information about authentication methods, see the description of the Authentication tab in Table 42.


Enter and confirm a password for the user account.

If the 'Authentication method' is Radius or LDAP/Active Directory, the password must consist of at least eight (8) characters, but Tripwire recommends a 12- to 14-character password consisting of numbers, symbols, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters.

If the 'Authentication method' is Tripwire Log Center, the password must contain:

Eight (8) to 128 characters

No spaces

Uppercase and lowercase letters

At least one numeric character (0-9)

At least one of the following characters:

` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } | ; : ' < , > . / ? \ "