Running a List Task

This topic explains how to run a List Task and work with the Events, Hosts, or Scanner Events in the Task's query results.

To create, copy, change, or delete a List Task, see Working with the Task Manager.

To run a List Task in the Event-Database Viewer:

1. In the side bar, select Events >Event-Database ViewerEvent-Database Viewer.
2. In the side bar of the Event-Database Viewer, expand the database for which the Task was created.
3. Under the database, expand the Searches group and select the Task.

TLC presents the Task's query results in the main pane.

To run a List Task in the Task Manager:

1. In the side bar, select Events >Task ManagerTask Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Task Manager, expand the List Tasks group.
3. Under the List Tasks group, expand the database for which the Task was created and select the Task.

TLC opens the Task's properties in the main pane.

4. In the main pane, clickStartStart.

TLC opens a tab with the Task's query results.

To work with the query results of a List Task:

1. To work with the query results, use the button bar for the query results. The available buttons vary by the type of data queried by the Task (Events, Hosts, or Scanner Events), as well as whether or not any items are selected in the query results. For button descriptions, see Table 36.


You can also access the available button-bar options by right-clicking an item in the query results.

2. To modify the appearance and contents of the query results table:
a. From the Time Filter drop-down, select a time period to filter the displayed items.
b. To change the table's columns, or to filter the table based on column values, see Working with Tables.
c. If you want to save your changes as the default view for this Task, clickSaveSave Table Layout.
3. To work with the properties of a specific Event, Host, or Scanner Events, double-click the item to open its properties. For more information, see:

Working with an Event

Working with a Host

Working with a Scanner Event