Working with Global Event-Ticket Settings

A Global Ticket Setting defines a value that may be selected from a drop-down list in the properties of a Ticket (see Working with Event Tickets). Global Ticket Settings include the following types:

A Category provides a description of the type of Correlated Event tracked by an Event Ticket.

A Priority indicates the urgency of a Correlated Event; for example, High, Medium, or Low.

A Status indicates the current status of an Event Ticket; for example, In Progress, On Hold, or Closed.

A Group is a category that describes the type of Correlated Event tracked by an Event Ticket.

To add, change, or delete a Global Ticket Setting:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Administration ManagerAdministration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Administration Manager, select Global SettingsGlobal Settings >TicketingEvent-Ticket Settings.
3. Under Event-Ticket Settings, select the type of setting.
4. To add a setting:
a. ClickAddAdd.
b. In the Add Listing Name dialog, enter a value for the setting and click OK.

To edit the value of a setting:

a. In the workspace, select the setting's line.
b. Right-click the setting and select Edit selected item.
c. In the Configuration Item dialog, edit the setting and click OK.

To delete a setting:

a. In the workspace, select the setting and clickDelete/RemoveRemove.
b. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.