Step 8. Assign Normalization Rules to Asset Groups

In Step 4. Configure your Asset Groups, you assigned Assets to your Asset Groups. In this step, you will assign Normalization Rules to each Asset Group. If a log message for one of the group's Assets is passed to the Normalization Engine, TLC will use these rules to normalize the message (see How does Log-Message Normalization work?).

To assign Normalization Rules to each of your Asset Groups:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select ResourcesResources >Asset GroupsAsset Groups.
3. In the workspace, double-click the group.
4. In the Asset Group properties dialog, select the Normalization Rules tab.
5. ClickAddAdd.
6. In the Modify Rules for Group dialog, select the check box for each Normalization Rule to be assigned to the group and click OK.
7. When TLC normalizes a log message from an Asset in the group, the Normalization Engine will run the rules in the order in which they appear in the Normalization Rules tab.

To modify the order, use the buttons on the right side of the Normalization Rules tab.

8. In the Asset Group properties dialog, click OK.

For more information, see Working with Asset Groups.