Configuring Log-Message Forwarding

For an introduction to Log-Message Forwarding, see What is Log-Message Forwarding?.

To configure TLC to forward log messages to one or more Forwarding Destinations:

1. In the side bar, select Resources >Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager.
2. In the side bar of the Configuration Manager, select ResourcesResources >ManagersManagers.
3. In the workspace, double-click the Manager.
4. Select the Advanced Settings tab.
5. To specify the Forwarding Destination(s):
a. ClickAddAdd. TLC adds a row to the Advanced Options table.
b. In the new row, mouse over the Advanced Option column to display the drop-down arrow.
c. Select Log-Message Forwarding - Destinations from the drop-down.
d. In the Value column, enter:



<ip_address> is the IP address of a Forwarding Destination,

<port> is the Forwarding Destination port to which log messages will be forwarded, and

<protocol> is the communication protocol to be used to forward log messages (either TCP or UDP).


UDP is faster than TCP. However, TCP is more reliable and secure.

To enter multiple Forwarding Destinations, separate the destinations with commas. For example:,

e. Click Apply. TLC sends a test message to the Forwarding Destination(s) and presents a dialog summarizing the test results. If the test is unsuccessful, TLC will not save your entry. Verify the accuracy of your entry in the Value column.
6. (Optional) To specify a maximum number of characters in log messages to be forwarded to the Forwarding Destination: 
a. ClickAddAdd. TLC adds a row to the Advanced Options table.
b. In the new row, mouse over the Advanced Option column to display the drop-down arrow.
c. Select Log-Message Forwarding - Forwarding message length from the Advanced Option drop-down.
d. In the Value column, enter a number from 1,024 to 65,000 and press ENTER.


If a log message contains more characters than this value, the Manager will remove the content exceeding this limit prior to forwarding the message to the Forwarding Destination(s).


Your changes will not take effect until you push updates to your Managers (see Pushing Updates to your Managers).