About the Installation Process


For optimal performance, Tripwire strongly recommends the use of physical local storage (rather than NAS) for the Audit Logger File Store directory.

To install Tripwire Log Center, complete the following steps:

1. If you plan to use database software other than PostgreSQL (which may be installed by the TLC Manager installer), install your database software.

For MySQL Server, see Installing MySQL Server.

For Microsoft SQL Server, see Installing Microsoft SQL Server.

2. Install TLC Manager software on your Primary Manager system (see Installing TLC Manager on your Primary Manager).
3. Install TLC Console software on each system from which users will access TLC (see Installing TLC Console).
4. (Optional) Install TLC Manager software on any Secondary Manager systems (see Installing TLC Manager on a Secondary Manager).
5. (Optional) Install Agent software (see Installing the Agent Using a Pre-Shared Key). For an introduction to the Agent, see Getting Started with the Agent.
6. To configure TLC, see Planning your TLC Environment.


To upgrade an existing installation of TLC, see Upgrading TLC.